
Justin Wise

@Justin Wise
Lead Technical Analyst, Co-Founder

Justin Wise is a seasoned cryptocurrency trader and educator who embarked on a transformative journey from an early fascination with financial markets to becoming a leading authority in the trading world. Growing up in a small town in Iowa, his childhood in a lower middle-class family cultivated a profound appreciation for money and the economy. His early passion for computer technology, combined with a voracious appetite for reading—from sci-fi to world history—shaped the intellectual curiosity that defines him today. Born into a blue-collar family, Justin, like most Americans, was raised with little financial literacy, a reality that left him underprepared for the complexities of our modern financial system. This lack of early education became a driving force behind his commitment to demystifying the financial world for others.

Justin graduated high school at sixteen, and though he initially stepped away from formal education to explore the world, he returned with a renewed vision, completing a degree in Entrepreneurial Agriculture. At this time, America was deep into the pain of the Great Recession brought about by the Great Financial Crisis of 2007-08. This would prove to be a pivotal moment in his life. Shocked by the collapse of markets and the devastating impact on ordinary people, he began questioning the underpinnings of our financial systems—from banking operations to government expansion. Why does the game seem rigged?

His search for answers led him to a deep analysis of our financial institutions, our monetary system, and our underlying philosophies around money as a society. Determined to break free from this system and secure his family's future, Justin delved into the world of equity trading. His initial forays were challenging, marked by common pitfalls and the harsh realities faced by new traders. However, these early setbacks only fueled his determination to find a more effective way to trade. Through rigorous research, trial, and error, he discovered the critical importance of discipline, risk management, and a robust mental approach to trading.

Justin learned of Bitcoin in 2012 and quickly became fascinated with the idea of digital value and permissionless money. By chance, in 2016, Justin became involved with several cryptocurrency trading groups and communities. As the industry evolved, he recognized the complexities and challenges within the trading realm. There was almost nowhere to get reliable, accurate information on how to trade or invest in cryptocurrency. Seeing a need in the space, Justin began live-streaming his trading and investing experiences to a global audience; very quickly, the world took notice.

Justin has since honed a trading strategy that prioritizes long-term, sustainable success over quick wins. His approach is built on a foundation of trend-following strategies, strict rule adherence, and an acute understanding of market dynamics. This methodology not only transformed his trading career but has also enabled him to live a life of financial independence, free from the constraints of traditional financial institutions. Through his daily live streams, Justin has connected with a global audience, sharing insights and strategies, fostering a community of knowledgeable traders.

As the founder of Cracking Cryptocurrency, Justin is dedicated to educating others on the principles of successful trading. His courses are designed not as quick fixes but as comprehensive training programs that equip traders with the tools they need to navigate and thrive in the complex world of cryptocurrencies. His commitment extends beyond trading strategies; he emphasizes holistic lifestyle practices such as diet, exercise, and meditation to enhance decision-making and overall well-being.

An activist for Bitcoin and digital rights, Justin has traveled extensively to engage with thought leaders, top traders, and investors, further honing his expertise. His commitment to the crypto community extends beyond trading; it's about empowering others through education and advocacy, ensuring they are equipped to navigate and succeed in the digital currency landscape.

Now living in Colorado with his family, Justin enjoys reconnecting with nature and continuing his advocacy for financial education and freedom. His mission is to empower a new generation of traders with the knowledge to escape financial burdens and achieve true independence. Justin's life work is to distill his extensive knowledge of cryptocurrency strategy and market nuances into actionable insights for both new and seasoned traders. With a foundation built on genuine experience and a passion for teaching, Justin is more than just a trader; he is a mentor for those seeking to profoundly understand and successfully engage with the financial markets.

@Justin Wise

Technical Analysis

@Justin Wise

Fundamental Analysis

@Justin Wise

Trading Strategies

Coming soon...
@Justin Wise

Trading Tools

Coming soon...
@Justin Wise

Trading Psychology

Coming soon...
@Justin Wise

Trading Portfolio

Coming soon...